Dr WONG Wai Kit
- wongwk@hsu.edu.hk
MPhil (HKU)
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Dr. WONG Wai Kit holds a PhD in Computer Science from The University of Hong Kong. He has extensive experience in academic research and industry. He joined HSUHK as lecturer/assistant professor in 2012. He obtained 3 UGC RDS grants and was awarded EAI Senior Members Class of 2020. Dr. Wong joined the industry in 2021. He was the Head of Research at Ribose Limited before, working on various open-source projects. He was later on the Head of Data Research in JKL Group, developing AI tools/products for supporting cryptocurrency trading. Now, he is working in two start-up companies (Bigmath - Shenzhen (https://www.bigmath.com/) and VX Real - Hong Kong (https://www.vxreal.com/)) developing AI-centric products.
Research Interests
Database, AI, Web3, and Cybersecurity
Competitive Grants
- Semantic search on Geolexica. NGI Zero (NLnet Foundation, European Commission) (2022). EUR €100K.
- Google Season of Doc 2021.
- Optimizing Analytics Processing in Encrypted Database Systems. UGC/FDS14/E03/17. Jan 2018- Dec 2020. HK $557,850.
- Secure Cloud Database System using Communication-Efficient Multi-Party Computation. UGC/FDS14/E03/16. Jan 2017- Dec 2019. HK $712,209.
- Improving selection query processing speed of secure cloud database systems by tuple pruning on desensitized data. UGC/FDS14/E05/14. Jan 2015- Jun 2017. HK $1,053,400.
- Winner of Hedgeweek US Digital Assets Awards 2023 in ‘Best Crypto Market Neutral Performance: Veteran’ category
- EAI Senior Members Class of 2020 (Awarded to top 1% computer scientists worldwide according to their EAI Index value in 2019)
- Chan Kai Ming Prize in Engineering (Awarded to the final year student with the best examination result)
- Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics (HKOI) Bronze Award (Senior Group)
- Wai Kit Wong, Shujin Ye, Hai Liu & Yue Wang. Effective Mobile Target Searching Using Robots. Mobile Networks and Applications (2020)
- Wai Kit Wong, Kwok Wai Wong, Willy Yue. Optimizing Selection Processing for Encrypted Database using Past Result Knowledge Base. EDBT 2018.
- Zhian He, Wai Kit Wong, Ben Kao, David Wai-Lok Cheung, Rongbin Li, Siu-Ming Yiu, and Eric Lo. SDB: A Secure Query Processing System with Data Interoperability. PVLDB 8(12), 2015.
- Wai Kit Wong, Ben Kao, David Wai-Lok Cheung, Rongbin Li, S.M. Yiu. Secure Query Processing with Data Interoperability in a Cloud Database Environment. SIGMOD 2014.
- Ye Zhang, Wai-Kit Wong, S.M. Yiu, Nikos Mamoulis, David Wai-Lok Cheung: Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Peer-to-Peer Data Integration. PVLDB 6(3): 157-168, 2013.
- Wai Kit Wong, Nikos Mamoulis, David Wai-Lok Cheung: Non-homogeneous generalization in privacy preserving data publishing. SIGMOD 2010: 747-758
- Wai Kit Wong, David Wai-Lok Cheung, Edward Hung, Ben Kao, Nikos Mamoulis: An Audit Environment for Outsourcing of Frequent Itemset Mining. PVLDB 2(1): 1162-1172 (2009)
- Wai Kit Wong, David Wai-Lok Cheung, Ben Kao, Nikos Mamoulis: Secure kNN computation on encrypted databases. SIGMOD 2009: 139-152
- Wai Kit Wong, David Wai-Lok Cheung, Edward Hung, Ben Kao, Nikos Mamoulis: Security in Outsourcing of Association Rule Mining. VLDB 2007: 111-122