5/12/2024 | 畢業典禮
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14/10/2024 | 香港電子業商會創新科技專題畢業報告比賽
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22/9/2024 | 參觀騰訊 2024
20/09/2024 | 研討會系列 (20 September 2024)
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10/07/2024 | 恒大學生獲頒滙豐獎學金
04/07/2024 | IEEE計算智能世界大會
13/06/2024 | IEEE 院士講座︰NOMA輔助下的遠場及近場通訊
08/06/2024 | 香港恒生大學贊助 ACM Programming Contest 2024
24/05/2024 | 研討會: Imbalanced Data Classification Based on Data Complexity
17/05/2024 | 聯合畢業午宴
06/05/2024 | 研討會系列 (6 May 2024)
06/03/2024 | 研討會: Optimal Graph Construction in Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning
04/03/2024 | 研討會系列 (4 March 2024)
20-21/02/2024 | 研討會系列 (20-21 February 2024)
10/10/2023 | 研討會: Modeling and Responding to Infectious Diseases and Epidemics
15/09/2023 | 研討會: Attribute Reduction Based on Dependency and Separability in Decision Information Systems
香港恒生大學贊助ACM Programming Contest 2023