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Dr YUE Ho Yin, Willy
- willyyue@hsu.edu.hk
- (852) 3963 5416
MPhil (CUHK)
PhD (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
Associate Head of Honours Academy
Programme Director of Bachelor of Science in Applied Computing/ Bachelor of Arts in Applied and Human-Centred Computing Programme
Dr Yue received his Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering, Master degree in Computer Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and PhD in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He performed researches in various different fields, such as computer science, psychology, medicine, finance and economics. He joined the Department of Computing in Hang Seng Management College in 2007. His research interests include the behavioral finance, behavioural economics, experimental economics, human-computer interaction, and social computing and behavioural modeling.
Research Interests
My Research interests are behavioural finance, behavioural economics, experimental economics, human-computer interaction, text mining, social computing, and behavioural modeling. Please feel free to contact me for cooperation.
Professional Services
- Journal reviewer:
British Journal of Economics,
Management & Trade
Research Grant
[title / type / role / amount]
Improving selection query processing speed of secure cloud database systems by tuple pruning on desensitised data / RGC / Co-I / $1,053,400
Publication List
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Yue, H.Y., & Leung, K.T., & Fung, L.K. (2012). Why housing price in Hong Kong is so high? An explanation in game theory, Economics and Business Letters, 1(3), 8-15.
- Lee, W.C., & Cheng, W.W., & Yue, H.Y. (2012). “Location, Location, and Location” and What Else? A Study of Factors Determining the Price of Private Housing Estate Located at Mass Transit Railway Station in Hong Kong. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 92, 27-31.
- Yue, H.Y. (2012). A Regime Switching Independent Component Analysis Method for Temporal Data. Journal of Computations and Modelling, 2(1), 109-122.
- Yue, H.Y., & Lam, H.Y. (2012). Liquidity Premium of Hong Kong Stock Market: Relation Between Companies’ Size and Liquidity Premium. The Empirical Economics Letters, 11(5), 519-524.
- Yue, H.Y., & Leung, K.T. (2011). The Effects of Quantitative Easing on Inflation Rate: A Possible Explanation on the Phenomenon. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 41, 34-40.
- Yue, H.Y. (2011). Income Inequality, Economic Growth and Inflation – A study on Korea. International Journal of Economics and Research, 2(5), 14-21.
- Yue, H.Y. (2011). Determinants of corporate capital structure under different debt maturities. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 66, 99-106.
- Leung, K.S., & Tang, N., & Yue, W. (2005). Early Clinical Experience of Gamma-AP Nailing with Fluoro-Navigation, Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care, 13, 46-49.
- 梁國穗 , 鄧寧 , 余浩然 (2004). 應用透視圖像導航 (Fluoro-Navigation) 進行 Gamma-AP 釘手術的早期臨床經驗 , 中華創傷骨科雜誌 , Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 6(5), 491-494.
- Tang, N., & Leung, K.S., & Yue, W. (2003). Fluoro-Navigation in Gamma Nailing, Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 7, S20.
- Yue, H.Y., & King, I., & Leung, K.S. (2001). Fuzzy clustering method for content-based indexing. In N. Mastorakis (Ed.), Advances in fuzzy systems and evolutionary computation ,138-143.
Conference Presentations
- Yue, H.Y., Cheng, W.W., Lee, W.C., Man, K.K. (2012). Interaction between Foreign Exchange Rate and Stock Market Price Index in East Asian Economies: A Panel Data Analysis, 2012 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science, Shanghai, China.
- Man, K.K., Yue, H.Y. (2012). Adverse Selection in Hong Kong Health Care Reform, 2012 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science, Shanghai, China.
- Man, C.K., Man, K.K., Yue, H.Y. (2012). Earnings Management by Consolidation: Case Study of Hutchison Telecommunication International Limited, World Finance & Banking Symposium, Shanghai, China.
- Yue, H.Y., Cheng, W.W., Chung, H.K. (2011). Game Theory Analysis of Housing Price in Hong Kong: Is High Land Price Policy a Natural Outcome?, 2011 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science, p. 27.
- Chung, H.K., Yue, H.Y., Cheng, W.W., (2011). How Macroeconomic Factors Affect the Movement of the Hong Kong Stock Market: An Cointegration Analysis, 2011 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science, p. 28.
- Cheng, W.W., Yue, H.Y., Chung, H.K., (2011). Risk on financial derivative contract – a legal aspect, 2011 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science, p. 56.
- Chan, T.C., Yue, H.Y. (2004, April). “Brain Synchronization as the Mechanism for Perception and Attention.” Paper presented at The 3rd International Symposium on Cognitive Neuroscience, Hong Kong, China.
- Leung, K.S., & Yung, S.H., & Tang, N., & Kwok, K.O., & Yue, H.Y. (2003). Clinical Experience of Gamma Nailing with Fluoro-navigation. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, (pp. 206-207). Marbella, Spain.
- Leung, K.S., & Tsui, H.F., & Tang, N., & Yung, S.H., & Yue, H.Y. (2003). Percutaneous Screw Fixation of Pelvi-acetabular Fractures under Fluoro-Navigation Guidance. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, (pp. 208-209). Marbella, Spain.
- Leung, K.S., & Tsui, H.F., & Tang, N., & Ng, S.W., & Yue, H.Y. (2003). Distal Locking in Intramedullary Locked Nail with Images from Library Under Navigation – a Novel Tenchique without Fluroscopic Control. The 23rd Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress, (pp. S108). Hong Kong.
- Yue, H.Y., & Yao, D.Z. (2003). Computation for implicit components of ERP as applied in the study of attention, An International Conference on Neuropsychology : Recent Advances in the East and West, p. 24.
- Chan, T.C., & Tse, C.Y., & Yue, H.Y., & Fan, L.Y. (2003). The Ecological Meaning of Spital Symmetry in Bimanual Motor Coordination, Twelfth International Conference on Perception and Action, Studies in Perception and Action VII, pp. 61-64.
- Yue,H.Y., & King, I., & Leung, K.S. (2001). Using natural clusters information to build fuzzy indexing structure, Proceedings to the International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2001), 3, pp. 1559-1564.
- Yue, H.Y., & King, I., & Leung, K.S. (2001). Fuzzy clustering method for content-based indexing, WSES FSFS International Conference, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Systems, 1, pp. 541:1-541:9.