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Dr CHENG Yin Yee, Charles
BSc (University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada)
MEd (University of Birmingham, UK)
Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science
Dr Charles Cheng is the Chief Executive Officer of eClass Limited, the leading eLearning company in the education market for over 20 years. Charles is an IT as well as educational professional with a passion for maximizing the pedagogical potentials of technology for education. Having an early vision of the need for an integrated platform of eLearning and administration, he initiated eClass. Before establishing the Company, he worked at the University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, in charge of projects related to virtual learning and learning resources center for School of Business. He has been giving presentations and papers in local and international conferences, and published articles in the area of online learning. Charles has received a number of representative awards in the IT and eLearning Industry, including the Product Gold Award of the “IT Excellence Award”. Apart from driving IT innovation, Charles has been focusing on tertiary student development in recent years. With the aim of nurturing students and unleashing their potentials in IT, he initiated a career-oriented programme “Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Applied and Human-Centred Computing” (renamed “Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Computing” in 2021) at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) in 2016. He then established an eClass Scholarship in 2017 to fully support the IT talents in the programme. Over the years, internship opportunities have been offered to students from various universities such as HSUHK and The Education University of Hong Kong. Charles is committed to providing professional on-the-job training to students, helping them to establish foreseeable career paths in the ever-evolving IT world.
Major disciplines
- Management of Information Systems, Education
Research Interests
- Internet-based learning, Computer Science, Learning Management System, online platform design, STEM, Artificial Intelligence in learning and performance enhancement
Selected Conference Presentations
- Cheng, Y. Y. C. (2017, May). Application of Library & E-learning. Topic presented at the International Conference on E-learning and Educational Technology 2017, Taichung City, Taiwan.
- 鄭賢義(2016,5 月)。(華人地區網上教與學的發展)。專題發表於「有效教學國際論壇」,臺南市,台灣。
- Cheng, Y. Y. C. (2014, December). 翻轉教學新點子- 讓PowerLesson顛覆教室. Symposium presented at the 2014 Taipei International Conference of Innovative ICT Education, Taipei City, Taiwan.
- Cheng, Y. Y. C. (2013, May). 在完整的電子教學歷程中實現教學範式轉向. Speech presented at the 2013 International Conference on E-Learning and Educational Technology, Taipei City, Taiwan.
- Cheng, Y. Y. C. (2013, February). Entrepreneurial Experience. Speech presented at The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.
- Cheng, Y. Y. C. (2012, December). 在完整的電子教學歷程中實現教學範式轉向. Speech presented at the 2012 Taipei International Conference of Innovative ICT Education, Taipei City, Taiwan.
- Cheng, Y. Y. C. (2011, August). eClass十年:過去、現在與未來. Speech presented at The 6th Malaysia Online Learning & Teaching Conference, Johor, Malaysia.
- 鄭賢義(2009,6 月)。(LMS新世代,迎接二十一世紀學習新挑戰)。專題發表於「第八屆網上教學會議」,觀塘,香港。
Selected Publications
- Cheng, Y. Y. C. (2004). The Design of An Integrated Internet-Based Learning Environment and Its Effects on Students’ Learning Approaches. (Thesis). The HKU Scholars Hub. doi: 10.5353/th_b3124521
- Cheng, Y. Y. C. & Yen, J. (1998). Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): A Web-based Collaborative Learning System. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1:480-491. doi: 10.1109/HICSS.1998.653133
- Cheng, Y.Y.C. & Yen, J. (1997). VLE: A Collaborative Learning Environment over the Internet. Proceedings of the Third Hong Kong Web Symposium, 56-74.